Saturday, December 25, 2010

Official Publishing Date!

We have an official publishing date from the University of Alabama Press - April 28th, 2011! This date is for the hardcover edition. The e-book should be available sooner, but we are still watching for the official e-date.

The Perfect Lion is already available for pre-order from under the official title - The Perfect Lion: The Life and Death of Confederate Artillerist John Pelham.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays

Jerry is taking some time off this holiday season to spend time with family and friends. He hopes that you are able to do the same and wishes you seasons greetings and a happy new year!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November's Speaking Engagements

In November, Jerry was pleased to present his "Lincoln's Cronies" talk to both the American Association of University Women in Northville, MI on the 9th and the Bay City Civil War Round Table on the 10th. He hopes they enjoyed it as much as he did!