Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Publishing Update

The completed, final version of the book is now with the publisher! It is still slated for publication in the spring of 2011, but we are all very excited that it is one step closer.

Additionally, Jerry has added to his activities by joining the planning committee for the Sesquicentennial (150) commemoration of the State of Michigan's participation in the American Civil War. As that progresses, more information will be provided.

Michigan Regimental Round Table Annual Fall Field Trip

Jerry just got back from his annual fall field trip with the Michigan Regimental Round table ( This year they chose to visit Richmond and Fredericksburg, VA. Jerry organizes these trips each year, and of course, had a wonderful time.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October's Speaking Engagement

Jerry was pleased to present a talk to the Ann Arbor Civil War Round Table about John Pelham and the West Point Class of 1861 on the 11th. He enjoyed the interesting questions and hopes to speak to the group again. For more information about the Ann Arbor Civil War Round Table, please visit their web-site at